Friday, September 28, 2007

pure luck

I am not sure how I could have possibly done this, and I really don't want to brag, but I am absolutely shocked at my test scores. For my pharmacology test I decided I would be satisfied with a C, and happy with a B, so imagine my complete shock when it came back with a 96%. I am pretty sure my jaw dropped. I checked my name twice, and almost gave it back to make sure it had been graded correctly. Somehow, I got the high. I am thanking my lucky stars because it is never going to happen again! Than later today I got my physiology test back today, and somehow scored a 92%. umm, can I say pure luck?!

P.S. I would love to post other exciting subjects, but unfortunately I have nothing but anesthesiology to talk about... so sorry team!


Unknown said...

With scores like that, how can you not tell the world? Excellent job! All that hard work and studying totally paid off.

Sarah M said...

pure luck or pure genius? i think you are pure genius.

Allison said...

Definately not luck. I think that it is more like alot of smarts and alot of hardwork.

jmb said...

I am so proud of you!! Congrats! Your hard work is paying off!