Sunday, September 30, 2007

The best mother ever!

Yep, the best mother ever award goes to my mother martha. She came into LA for the weekend and took me shopping, out to dinner, and we even went and saw the broadway show Wicked. I have never seen Wicked before, and it was great! We decided to go last minute and somehow got 8th row tickets in the middle of the theater. It might even be my new favorite! All in all, a nice break and a fun weekend!


{littlefam} said...

I love Martha.

Sarah M said...

three cheers for martha. she is the best. you needed the break.

JD and Lindsay said...

Martha is the best! You are one lucky gal

Allison said...

I am jealous. I have been dying to see Wicked. We all always knew Martha was fabulous!

Unknown said...

Wicked is so awesome! I'm so glad you saw it! Your mom is the greatest. I'm so glad you were able to spend time with her!