Friday, February 1, 2008

sorry team I have been a bit busy... so here is a quick update...umm lets see, I now have class only two days a week, and the other three clinical. This means on tues, I go to class, than go the hospital pick up my preops for the next day, oh don't worry I have to call my CRNA and attending with our patients info and anesthetic plan, do a writeup on each case...than wake up at 4:20 am to be at the hospital by 5:30, do my cases, get my cases for the next day, write them up, call my attending and CRNA, and by, say 9:30 go to bed. I do ususally give myself 30min when I get home to check my email and eat so that is nice... but I did place my first spinal and arterial line! Which may not mean a whole to everyone, but I am very excited!


Allison said...

You are amazing. That is hardcore. It was so good to see you. The binkie clip is perfect. Lets have a GNO when you have a night off.

Unknown said...

You are a rock star! You are so dedicated to school, and there is no way I could do what you are doing!